

Life Coaching and Guidance

These sessions provide a safe, non-judgmental space to share, and explore any concerns, stresses, blocks, ideas, big life-time goals, or problems you might be having.

The Life Coaching and Guidance session will help you understanding what is driving ‘YOU’ (challenges, concerns, ideas, decisions etc.) and guide you through a process of transformation. This transformation may involve identifying and changing negative thoughts or learning to identify and deal with difficult emotions. They may also teach you skills that you may need to forge ahead with your life. The purpose of these sessions is about helping someone gain insight into their own world, and finding ways to live a happier more fulfilling life.

Each session is created to follow the 4 R’s:

1. REAWAKEN+ RUMINATION- Uncover + Recognize

2. REVERIE- Ponder + Meditate

3. REVOLUTION- Shift + Breakthrough

4. REVERBERATION- Consistent Action + Steps

If booking regular sessions or for a matter that will need to be comprehensive(career, relationships etc.) , the concept of the 4 R’s will be explored with more depth over the numerous sessions.

**Coaching can sometimes generate painful emotions and uncomfortable feelings and is not often easy. These feelings are completely normal, and are necessary for lasting change.**

Distance Sessions Available (Skype /Phone/ Zoom) or Face to Face (Adelaide, South Australia)

In addition to each session:

Available for contact via email or text after every session for continued healing, accountability or support in between sessions if needed.

Personal Power Transformation Homework


Intuitive Guidance and Healing

Gentle Guidance, Growth-Work and Healing which focuses on allowing you to Reveal, Release, and Recalibrate.

The Intuitive Guidance/ Healing session will begin by exploring the emotional reason behind the healing session. These often show up as once hidden aspects or elements such as past hurts; matters in need of revealing to re-wire your emotional health.

Once the stored emotions and connection have been brought to light, the healing begins to clear emotions/ energy stuck in the body. This release is accomplished through breath work, guided meditation, EFT, Reiki, or mindfulness etc. (all sessions are personalised to you and your healing)

Once the mind, and body are clear of the trapped emotions and thoughts, beliefs, feelings and habits that no longer serve you then it is time for grounding. This recalibration allows new and empowering thoughts for setting positive intentions and often results in many life changing and healing ‘light bulb moments’.

I can assist with: Break ups, Ascension Symptoms, Dark Night of the Soul, Boundaries, Fears, Old Patterns, Limiting Beliefs, Inner Child, Resentments etc.

**Healing and Emotional work can sometimes generate painful emotions and uncomfortable feelings and is not often easy. These feelings are completely normal, and are necessary for lasting change.**

Distance Sessions Available (Skype /Phone/ Zoom) or Face to Face (Adelaide, South Australia)

In addition to each session:

Available for contact via email or text after every sessions for continued healing and support in between sessions if needed.

Intuitively Guided Personal energy Homework

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Intuitive Tarot Reading

An Intuitive Tarot Reading provides you with clarity through exploring the energies you're dealing with; bringing forth guidance, insight, inspiration, and understanding. It also illuminates the shifts in your soul's evolution, as well as past/present/future feelings, actions and situations.

A tarot reading can be undertaken at any stage of your life. Whether you are at a crossroads, in the midst of a major transition, wanting to gain perspective on a situation/person or simply wanting a reading just for the fun of it.

All readings are sent directly to your email.


House or Property Clearing

As human beings we are highly tuned to energy around us, and can sense intuitively when something isn't quite right.  

Sometimes energy accumulates in our living and working spaces and needs cleansing and clearing.

Energy can become trapped from all kinds of sources – arguments, abuse, trauma, clutter, attachments, spirits and or deceased loved ones. 

These stagnant energies can have an effect on your overall health and well-being as well as your family members, pets or any aspect of your life.   I recommend having a property clearing(house or business) before moving into any new premises. That way there is a clean slate for the family space or business venture.  

A space needs clearing if the dormant energy is creating continuous illnesses, mishaps, you or family are waking up at strange hours or if things go bump in the night! 

Can be undertaken at premises or remotely (distance clearings available).  

In addition to the clearing you'll receive:

1x× Bundle of Sage 

1x× Palo Santo Stick

1x× Protection crystals (if requested)

1x× Instructions on how to maintain the space after the initial clearing. 


Mentoring Sessions

We’re all born with spiritual and intuitive gifts, talents and abilities, even if we ignore, forget or bury them.

We’ve all had those moments in life: where we’ve been thinking of someone and then they call, or have had a bad feeling and it turns out you were correct, or suddenly seeing, hearing, or sensing spirit.

The Mentoring Sessions are there for illuminating, developing, honing and exploring knowledge, skills, abilities and gifts you possess, or wish to grow and obtain.

The 1:1 Sessions are a series of sessions where you’ll be be supported on your journey of self and spiritual discovery. Provided with not only direction and guidance, but exercises and experimentation (learning and growth) of your new found knowledge and resources.

I can assist with: Clearing unwanted energy, Astrology 101, Energy Protection, Mediumship, Navigating your Saturn Return, Accessing your Akashic Records etc.

Distance Sessions Available (Skype /Phone/ Zoom) or Face to Face (Adelaide, South Australia)

In addition to each session:

Available for contact via email or text after/or between sessions for continued healing and support, if needed.

Personal Attuned Energy Homework (Fun, easy and strength building) to learn and grow your gifts.


Meditation Session

A transformative experience providing an opportunity to release all stress, tension, mind chatter, bottled emotions, and stagnant energy; while offering an invaluable practice for Self Care.

The Quatervois delivers Online Guided Meditation sessions by a qualified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher. Each session will rejuvenate your Body, Mind and Soul right in the comfort of your own home.

Meditation has been found to restructure the brain, focus the mind, guide the individual to an altered state of conscious, and increases a person’s tolerance to stress.

Mindfulness works similarly and is a useful tool for decreasing stress. It is used to bring awareness to the present, while understanding feelings, thoughts, bodily sensations, and your external environment.

The OGM Session is an aligned meditation practice customised specifically to your own needs and personality. Incorporating a number of Relaxation, Breathing, Meditation and Mindfulness techniques to make you feel completely at ease.

Online (Zoom/Skype) available or Audio Download (TBA)

In addition to each session:

Connection to Free Guided Meditations, Meditation music, Relaxation music, Breathing and Mindfulness Exercises.



Astrology Report (Birth Chart)

An Astrology Birth Chart is your Personal Life Map.

It illuminates what is happening in your life, areas which will be influenced, and how it will likely unfold. Once an understanding about transits and

Your Birth Chart can reveal to you your strengths, weaknesses, personality, quirks, childhood/background (Past), opportunities for growth (Present), and directions/moves to undertake (Future) etc.

On offer either a

  • Full Report:

  • Quick Report (Summary)

  • An Aspect Report(Chiron, North+ South Node etc.)


Ideal for a Birthday/Holiday present, or for someone going through a Major shift (Break Up etc.) as it can inform their journey.

2-7 Days Dispatch

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