


As an Indigo child, my childhood was definitely not ordinary. I was very aware I was not like most other children; and had this aspect of myself that I felt I needed to hide from others. I would pick up energy, read adults (often starring through them, until they became uncomfortable), predict future events, say profound things, notice flecks of colours and light, apparitions, and have nightmares/visions while I was awake. 

My awakening occurred like many in 2012. I was in the middle of a reiki session/psychic reading, with a powerful healer and channeller, and was quite distraught, as my life was falling apart. Through sobs I asked her a question, but before the answer came out of her mouth; I heard the words clear as day from a loud booming voice. I repeated what I heard out loud, at the same time she was about to give me my answer. I practically jumped off the healing table with shock and excitement. I had heard my guides. I heard what she had been hearing, and channelling.  It was the first time I even considered how connected I could be. I never thought I could do that. Everything in that moment changed.

I began seeking outside knowledge. Googling everything I could. Looking into places, or people I could seek out for more information and answers. That’s when I stumbled into Crystal/New Age store; a choice which would change the entire trajectory of my life.

The woman who ran the store was kind, softly spoken with love and strength behind her words. As I wandered around the store, she informed me of a weekly meditation class I might like to join. After a few weeks of the class, she thought I might be interested in a different/more advanced meditation class on a separate day. I jumped at the chance. I soon realised it was an empowering/healing development class where I was able to grow my gifts. It was there where I finally found others like me. I was being taught everything I desired to know.  I found where I belong. It didn’t take long for my whole world to be transformed.

As I was able to communicate with spirit; I would be inundated with them whenever I attempted any sort of psychic development work. It was overwhelming, and often times disruptive when I was trying to meditate and get into a peaceful, light space. These spirits eventually became too overwhelming; I had started to open up my gifts, and they were all rushing me for chance to communicate.

I needed this new healer to save me. She had a wry smile. She had something different in mind. She would help, but she wasn’t going to do it for me; she was going to teach me how to do it. I thought this woman was completely out of her mind. She walked me through it and was there always for whatever questions I had. She gave me the tools. She saw in me something I didn’t see in myself. I found my mentor.

For It had always been there, I just turned up the dial to 10000%

House clearings, communication with

I aspire to be an empowered woman

with vision & grace.

soft-hearted but strong,

self –aware & sure.

respected for my mind

admired for my heart and above all,

always honest, open & raw


For 8 years I have trained as a Healer, Medium, Psychic, Clairvoyant and Intuitive. I am also a Certified Life Coach and a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher accredited through the IMMA and ITMA. I have a background, education and training in Youth Mental Health First Aid, Professional Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Diploma, Dealing with Difficult People, and AVERT- Family Violence Training.